Man what a busy day today. I planted two thousand five hundred onion seeds today.
Okay, so it really wasn’t that hard. I plant them in clumps of about twenty five seeds in 2×2 pots all connected and sitting in a solid flat.
The soil mix is sterile combo of peat and perlite. I wet it by filling the solid flat with water and the peat mix wicks up the water and wah-la they are watered.
I did a little adjusting to my propagation shelves so hopefully they will be just right.
Once the onions germinate (hopefully they will, onions have the shortest seed life of veggies and these were left overs from last spring) they will go under artificial light for about eight to ten hours, they are day length controlled onions so it is important that I match the light with what they would receive outside.
I expect that they will need to be trimmed before I get them outside, it is important that they be kept under five inches tall. If they bend at the base they are done. But they should be ready to go out to the garden bed ’bout the time I plant my peas.
So I really didn’t get a lot done today but my body thinks it did a lot.