I was very thankful indeed for our fresh new snow that began coming down the night of New Year’s Day. It makes everything so bright. Right now there is enough cloud cover that if it were not for the snow it would be very gloomy outside and in. But snow outside and shiny Christmas cheer inside and I am doing well!
I love that it has snowed during this Christmas is just really makes the season go so much easier for me, it greatly lessen expectations. One Christmas when it snowed after a week or more of major freezing we spent Christmas Day out at the pond, pushing snow off of the ice so that we could continue to skate. We completely skipped having dinner that Christmas and it was just fine by all of us including our guest. But secretly I think she and I wished that there had been a hidden “mother” somewhere who would have not stayed out to have fun but done the dutiful thing by cooking a proper Christmas dinner, but neither one of us were signing up to be that woman.
The memories of her and my husband being human snow plows and zambonies and then ice skating till our feet fell off, having a bonfire at the edge of the pond to see once it got dark, those memories are certainly burned in my brain and I’m thinking my two big girls who were there would echo that.
I am thankful for the snow because it reinforces for me that it is still Christmas. I need to hang on to the seasons, yes, plan ahead and prepare, but I cannot rush to be done with this season too soon. I have been known to push the spring thing a bit much and on a warm February day I am doing activities that are done in April or June. Now if it were only as harmful as the eager child who puts on her swimsuit I could understand, but I have had some very cold goats and some very dead plants because I was convinced that spring was here to stay.
Jumping the gun and thinking that spring should be here and that spring is always warm and sunny and bright also makes my winter blues intensify. I actually don’t get too blue in the “dead” of winter it is when things begin to look promising that I get into trouble. Mud, clouds, more mud and then all of a sudden there isn’t enough chocolate and coffee in the world to pick me up.