You’ve seen this on the side board, and saw hints on FB. You may have known it’s what we’ve been working towards, you may remember the side board has been saying we were working on something.
Well now we are ready to go. The Harvest Baskets of VF&G are gonna roll out the first week of July! Celebrate Independence Day by eating good food, real-ly good food.
Coming soon in July
The first season of VF&G’s Harvest Baskets!
Weekly baskets of seasonal, local produce
Designed by your family’s likes and needs
Grown and packed fresh by our gardeners
Paid and picked up by you weekly
I n July, August, September and October.
Each season’s baskets packed with the seasonal produce that we grow
here at Vicktory Farm & Gardens with local affiliated family farms.
Looky here at the poster I made for FB…
That expressive baby is Ruby, she spends a lot of time on the farm, and knows just how good the food is here, so she’s our “poster child” for our Harvest Baskets. The page under Eggs and Produce (tab up top of this page), Harvest Basket Membership, explains how our memberships work.
We aren’t a CSA, if you know what those are, if you don’t, don’t worry about it, we aren’t one. But we did steal an idea from them, prepacked weekly boxes of produce that customers pick up. Our difference is that you pay for produce only when you pick it up, not a lump sum at the beginning of the season.
And our Harvest Baskets will be designed around each customer family. How many people in the household, what you like to eat, how nice you are to my cats and old dogs…
That’s why we are asking for folks to sign up now, in May for July. So we can get to planting the garden around our customers likes and dislikes. If our customers like turnips way more than carrots? Well then, the sowing will reflect that, as much as it possibly can. I know, most of us in America are like Ruby, we love corn on the cob, but I can only plant so much, in good conscience. You need to eat your green leafies too, and don’t forget your garlic and squash, punkins for carving and soupin’, and cut flowers for lookin’ at.
Well, Dear Reader, I’ve been spending many an hour at this computer screen, learning how to make forms (even if you aren’t signing up for HB’s ‘cuz you live in Wyoming, you should check out my questionnaire form), making cute posters on PSE10, and the weather outside has been beautiful, in between down pours. Out I go to get some outside work done and pick some Cottonwood buds for the resin before they are all leafed out, to make some Balm of Gilead for a treat for my first Membership sign-uppers.
Good luck with your new venture, Lanny. It sounds like a great idea. Ruby is as cute as she can be.
I wish you the best! If I lived close by..I would certainly want a basket..but alas I live in Minnesnowda..too far away. Ruby is as cute as she can be on your poster:)
are you anywhere near anacortes? ayla would love this!
smiles, bee
I’ve just read everything including your questionaire page and all of the agreements. I’m going to go broke eating fresh veggies from your place because of the gas money.But we’d be a customer if we could. Ruby should be able to sell a lot of stuff just cuz she’s so cute.
All of this is so ambitious that I’m about to go take a nap but alas it’s past corn planting time here in Nebraska and the soil temp is supposed to be in the mid 50’s by now but it’s only in the upper 30’s. AND…too wet.
I love your poster child, really, I do . This is exciting, you’ve all worked so hard for so long for this to finally come to fruition, literally ! Will there be sales of excess fruit & veggies after harvest baskets are filled?