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Onions Are Coming!

Posted by on November 8, 2013

My overwinter onion plants from Dixondale Farms are due to arrive this coming week!

Crazy excited!  All goes well and we will harvest them May-June! 


Our summer crop was very successful.  I had hoped to do seeds not plants, but the Dixondale folks put out a nice product. 


We ate all the sweet Ailsa Craigs up before I realized I didn’t get a photo of them. They were huge! And they were delicious.  Sauteed until caramely brown.  And Dirt was in deep-fry-heaven many times this summer.  All of these pictures are our Copra onions, an amazingly tasteful storage onion. 


Onions are incredibly healthy, all sulfury rich, allicin dense, full of polyphenols. Crazy intense anti-inflamatory, bone density building, connective tissue strengthening, blood sugar leveling onions. 


We love ‘em.  They aren’t just a flavoring in dishes, they most often are the dish.  Onions!

One Response to Onions Are Coming!

  1. Daisy

    Looks like the summer harvest was a great one! And yes, they do have a lot of things in them to make them a healthy food. I like them cooked in things, but I’m not much for eating them raw.