I’m back Dear Reader, you probably have forgotten me and moved on, but hey, that’s cool, I get it and it’s okay. Just call me a ..
Onward and upward. I gotta write and write I will. I’ve been through some really ununique times. But not writing, or only writing (carefully) to the air on facebook has made me one sick puppy. So I need to write to you.
Hopefully soon I’ll figure out spam and letting comments be available, right along with getting a camera so I can do the picture thing again as well, or at least figuring out how to get them from the phone to here.
Well, here we go.
Quick catch up… After Dirt recovered from his accident 8/16, we had a fire that ruined our house 1/18, now we are slowly rebuilding, starting with the 140 year old homesteader’s cabin that was our living room. 7/20 and we are on the final stretch with that bit if only the window guy would come and measure and I would quit farmgardening long enough to get the walls sanded and the hearth in. Dirt of course has been dutifully doing his work on the cabin and still dealing with no students (thank you China virus) while he works at school daily and comes home to fuss over bits of haying in our very drizzly year.
We are making a huge switch in the Market Garden, from food to flowers. We will still feed our friends vegetables and fruit but not strangers. The regulations on producing edibles is unnatural, perhaps even ungodly, well it certainly seems very unconstitutional, but someone with far deeper pockets will need to take that one on. Meanwhile I continue to work on being a consistent provider of colorful tasty legal eggs, while learning the new skill of flowering.
I’m signing off for today, I’ll be back tomorrow or the next day. I’ve got a thought brewing, steeping, germinating, about some current cultural goings on. Think weeds and plants, and how it is like our country’s lives, past, sin, love, accomplishments, future – oh, this might need to be a couple thoughts! See you soon, Dear Reader!
And if you want to say anything about anything, or need something from us please email: Farm @ itsthedirt . com —you know how to put that together right?