Family day out sheep shearing.
It is interesting how many sheep owners are out there that don’t get a job done as often as it should. Sheep should be sheared once a year, for the fleece quality, for their health, for the ease of shearing only one year’s growth.
These folks bought these sheep two + years ago and it took their
neighbor calling all the feed stores he could till he found Webster Road Feed out between Graham and Eatonville and Brian gave him Dirt’s number.
Mind you they are in Gig Harbor and that is quite a ways from Graham and Eatonville. Makes me wonder how many feed stores he called before he found Brian, Webster Road Feed and us.
Funny, the last time I went on a shearing job with Dirt we went out onto the Peninsula and they had a small flock that hadn’t been sheared in years. Makes me wonder about people across the bridge. Beautiful homes though, you gotta givem that for sure.
Picked up fire wood for Rick and Melody Cabinier at their dentist’s beach house. Turns out that my family went to school with the dentist’s family, he was in between my middle sister and brother and his younger brother was in my class in elementary school, small world, go figure.
The salamander was relocated to a safer place than the moving wood pile.
On to another shearing job out in Home
on a small vineyard
This woman has beautiful gardens, lots of work, very inspiring
They worked their awning into the end post of the grape supports, very clever.
Heading home, first to drop off Rick and Melody’s wood,
a jump in Rebecca and Mike’s pool
get to work!!!
And maybe sell some kittens and hopefully a puppy or two.