It’s raining
It’s pouring
Lanny is done
Wait, that was the dog not me.
Puttin‘ on the rubber pants and coat and heading out when the coffee drinking is done. Up too late trying to cram more hours in a day, so far that ain’t working so well for me, how ’bout you? Changing that around today. Seriously. Stop laughing.
Got a call early today, evidently the doc is still sick, so technically, I am still well.
Pictures of plants and mud and work done, to follow. Pray that there will be an entertaining incident, there usually is, but I need to be able to remember it. Ah therein lies the appropriate prayer eh?
Dear Reader, the conversations you have today, with yourself or others, have them include God. Not talking about Him like you do Aunt Bessie or at Him like you do to your mom when you don’t want her in your business, but talking with Him, leaving a few pauses so you can hear what He is saying. Do it all day. If you slip, stand up again, go at it again. Don’t shrug it off like it can’t be done, like you’re not spiritual enough, like God has to bring you to it, He has.