My flower for today is Hyacinthus orientalis, a spring flowering bulb, native to the southwestern parts of Asia, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria. France cultivated it for its contribution to the perfume industry and it became a part of the Netherlands famous flower bulb industry.
It will only continue to come up in areas where it will have a season of cold.
It is hard for me to turn down a fragrant flower. Hyacinthus orientalis is not only constant with its heady fragrance but I find it enchanting with its layers of glistening succulent perianths.
Hyacinthus orientalis are a great bulb for forcing but I am not that well disciplined and so prefer to bring in pots of them from the garden during their normal bloom time.
Once inside however and they quickly fill out, it is a hard give and take, for if left inside they are done well before their outdoor counterparts.
Making both Fluffy and I greatful for warm sunny spring days on which we can stretch out and enjoy the fragrance and beauty of the outdoors.
It can’t help but bring a smile to our faces, a quicker beat to our hearts and a faithful gaze to the future.
For the Lord, through the reoccuring of beauty from winter’s death, assures me again of His faithfulness to His children, to those who adore Him.
Lord God, you bring such a gentle peace to my spirit, a time of quite and calm when I need it the most.
For you and you alone, o Holy God have the consistency to strengthen my soul.
Your fragrance bathes me and makes me new.
Please Dear Reader, enjoy the day God has brought to you and take sometime to visit other corners of the world and the flowers that grow there.