So I resisted the temptation to mess with all my photos in this manner and show you a gazillion more. And in fact I did quite a bit more that I haven’t put up here. Can you tell what I did today? But I learned my lesson about not learning my lesson. Do whatever it was that Tia told me while she is still here and then practice the heck out of it right after she leaves.
But all that means that I have a day’s worth of weeds, slugs, seeding and gravel moving to add to the weeding, slug killing, seeding and gravel moving I was already going to have to do tomorrow. In fact I hear some of my primroses knocking on the window right now, begging me to come out and save their lives from the slugs and buddacup (that is mafia talk for buttercup, because, quite frankly, they are a mafia).
Tomorrow I will take some more photos for the whole purpose of messing with color. I promise not to inundate you with all of them but I may have to force a few more on you. Yes, like a kid in a candy store or a guy with a new tool, I can’t help myself.
Thank you for your patience Dear Reader, it is much appreciated. I’ve been workin’ like a crazy person. Not to mention the tragedies and near tragedies keep piling up. On a good note though I can’t wait to show you all we are doing and tell you about some of the ideas I have. Not to mention I have lots of writy stuff rattling in the ol’ noggin that really needs to get out.
But that would mean that I need to spend a large chunk of time in front of the keyboard with something other than pictures. Lots of stuff, lots of stuff about life and the Giver of Life, that is stuck in between where my roses should go and if the replacement peony should go next to them.
I hope you are having a super delicious day, evening, night and that you are walking and talkin’ with God right there with you. He is the only thing that will get you through the good times and the not so good times; He is the glue.